Mon Valley Initiative

Season 09
About this non-profit:

Ghandi, Mandela, Mother Theresa. Their impact is undeniable. But what about the activists who names we don't know? The people who run small nonprofit organizations in your community? Or even the people who simply give up a couple of hours each week to work toward a cause? In this episode, we're taking a look at two stories about ordinary people working toward positive social change. In Southwestern Pennsylvania, 200 volunteers have been organized into the Mon Valley Initiative. Working under the guidance of a dozen community development corporations, they have rallied together to transform an entire community. It could have been just another story of how industry exploits an area's resources and then moves on, leaving an economically devastated community. But, here the Mon Valley Initiative has transformed the community by creating new jobs, new homes and new hope. It's a story about the power of community united in common cause.

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