Beth Murphy
Season 08
About this non-profit:

Thirty years ago there was no environmental law. There were no environmental lawyers. Ordinary citizens did not have a right to present their environmental causes and complaints in our courts of law. Earthjustice attorneys have helped to change all that. Originally called the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Earthjustice is a trailblazing organization whose attorneys have made a stunning impact on our institutions and on the nation's conservation policies. In this documentary you will witness who the real clients of environmental lawyers are: unborn generations. In Louisiana, watch a real David and Goliath struggle as Earthjustice helps put an end to environmental racism. Attorneys work with communities of color to block the building of noxious facilities including an uranium enrichment plant, a rayon factory, and toxic dumps to prevent people of color from bearing the greatest burdens of toxic waste sites and hazardous industrial facilities in our society. In the Pacific Northwest, Earthjustice lawyers are responsible for putting more wildlife on the endangered species list than anyone else in America. What started with protecting the spotted owl has now evolved into a heated battle over salmon and the Snake River dams.